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Here you can find all information about current Soul Gatherings and other offers.

16th-18th May, Stein on the Danube
Human Design Reading mit Ronja
Human Design is a value-free self-discovery tool. It can give you words for processes that you have always observed in yourself, but perhaps never been able to fully grasp and name. It is a tool of self-empowerment because it combines ancient wisdom (astrology, chakra theory, I-Ching, and numerology) and new science.
Ronja's mission is to remind people of their uniqueness through human design, to support them in making authentic decisions, finding self-love and finding a way to live their lives successfully and authentically fulfilled.
If you feel addressed now, please contact us for more details:
+43 676 4182290

8th-9th June, Museum Quartier, Vienna
Ayurveda Days
Would you like to know more about the many facets of Ayurveda? Learn how you can develop a balanced lifestyle with Ayurveda? Learn how you can support your health and promote physical and mental well-being with simple means? Then come to the AYURVEDA DAYS 2024 in the MuseumsQuartier Vienna and find out more directly from the exhibitors and interesting lectures and let the diverse offerings of Ayurveda in Austria be introduced to you and explained to you by experts. We promise you two inspiring days!
...our exhibitor area with Indian flair and immerse yourself in the world of Ayurveda in Austria. Get to know doctors, Ayurvedic practitioners, schools, shops, hotels and tour operators. Take advantage of the opportunity to inform yourself and find your perfect Ayurveda offer. You can also take one or two high-quality Ayurveda products home with you and Ayurvedic delicacies will delight your palate.

Relaxation in Stein on the Danube
After experiencing the beneficial effects of massages during our trip, David decided to offer the skills he had learned to others.
Massage and touch are not only beneficial for the body, but also for the mind.
Deceleration and conscious time out are invaluable for all of us.
Tel.: +43 660 55 73 056