Ronja Pinkert, VIENNA
Human Design Analyst - Yoga Teacher - Matra Musician

My name is Ronja Pinkert and I am a human design analyst, yoga teacher and mantra musician.
Yoga and human design have led me on a journey to myself. I have also made my passion my profession and accompany you on your journey, to yourself. So that you can arrive at yourself, feel your body better and treat yourself with compassion. No matter which method you choose, I will guide you into a loving space where you feel safe and supported.
I am deeply convinced of this:
Everyone carries their own light within themselves. Sometimes it is a bit overshadowed, but the inner beauty is in each of us.
Are you ready to let your light shine?

A little about my own path:
At 33 years old, I am always looking for a deep connection - to myself, to those around me and to my surroundings.
As a teacher, I quickly realized that I was overwhelmed by the many impressions and had to experience the first burnout. During this phase I encountered the Human Design System and I was captivated. I finally found an explanation for so many things that I had always felt but could never quite put into words: I am a very open projector who perceives a lot and is here to recognize and guide others. Since then, I have delved deeper and deeper into the Human Design System and my personal development and know with increasing certainty:
We all have a very special talent within us, here in this world.
Let's find yours together.